Ongoing Research

The “predicting Short-term Adverse caRdiovascular outcomes in women with preeclampsiA using BIomarkers” (SARABI) Pilot Study

Preeclampsia and cardiovascular diseases are strongly linked. However, we do not know who may be at highest risk of cardiovascular problems in preeclampsia. The SARABI Pilot Study evaluates the feasibility of a conducting a future, larger multicenter prospective cohort study aiming to identify individuals with preeclampsia at highest risk of short-term cardiovascular morbidity. In turn, this project has the potential to improve the cardiovascular health and overall wellbeing of pregnant persons and their families in Canada.

The “Atrial FIBrillation in Pregnancy: assessing seveRe maternal morbidity and anticoagulation strateGies” (AFIB-PREG) Study

The hemodynamic and physiologic changes of pregnancy predispose pregnant individuals to atrial fibrillation. The safety and effectiveness of anticoagulation for stroke prevention in this context are not known. In addition, the impact of atrial fibrillation on the risk of developing serious complications in pregnancy and postpartum needs to be assessed. The AFIB-PREG study aims to improve our understanding of atrial fibrillation and its management in pregnancy. Results will contribute to guide the surveillance and treatment of patients with atrial fibrillation in pregnancy.

Co-creating knowledge mobilization activities to address pregnancy-related near-miss events and deaths in Canada

A Hub addressing pregnancy-related serious complications and deaths to improve the health and wellness of pregnant persons in Canada has recently been created. The Hub aims to be a place for persons and families with lived experience of pregnancy (including serious complications), community partners, health care professionals, policy makers, and researchers to meaningfully interact and co-create knowledge mobilization activities to address pregnancy-related serious complications and deaths. The activities will include research priority setting activities, and the co-development of material to improve the quality of care and increase patient safety in pregnancy. Progress on activities will be shared within the community of the Hub and the general Public throughout the duration of the project. The Hub will also strive to be sustainable and to represent a training platform for the next generation of researchers committed to improving the quality of pregnancy and postpartum care. Taken together, these activities have the potential to improve the quality of care for all pregnant persons in Canada.

Superficial Venous Thrombosis in Pregnancy and Postpartum: A multicenter cohort

Pregnancy and the immediate postpartum period are important risk factors for the development of superficial vein thrombosis. Superficial vein thrombosis may be associated with several complications, including deep venous thrombosis. This study aims to describe patient characteristics, current management practices, variations in the management of superficial vein thrombosis, and complications associated with superficial vein thrombosis in pregnant and postpartum patients. Results will inform future research priorities surrounding the management of superficial vein thrombosis in pregnancy and postpartum.

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The Laboratory for Pregnancy & Postpartum Health Improvement Research.

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